SU-011 – Mimster Shop – Norma Rivas

SU-011 – Mimster Shop – Norma Rivas

Bolados, chunches, y otras babosadas. As our mothers would say, ustedes solo son inventos. When Norma didn’t find ways to represent her pride, she decided to create them. She became an entrepreneur and launched an online store to sell Salvadoran themed pins, socks, and apparel. Pull on those pupusas sock, put on those boss pants and get ready to start a small business with Norma Rivas.

SU-006 – DJ Loup Rouge

SU-006 – DJ Loup Rouge

The bass is booming, the crowd is dancing, and drinks are flowing as you sit high on your throne spinning those turntables. But being a DJ is not all about parties. Raul finds ways to inspire others and give back to aspiring artists in Central America. In this episode, keep the crowd and our people going, drop that beat with DJ Loup Rouge.

Salvis Unidos Podcast Introduction

Salvis Unidos Podcast Introduction

Hello and welcome to Salvis Unidos Podcast!  Let’s go back in time real quick. It’s the mid to late 90s. Not everyone owns a computer. The world wide web is not yet widely accessible. Smart phones? Forget about it. Your best chance of learning about where you came...