SU-011 – Mimster Shop – Norma Rivas

SU-011 – Mimster Shop – Norma Rivas

Bolados, chunches, y otras babosadas. As our mothers would say, ustedes solo son inventos. When Norma didn’t find ways to represent her pride, she decided to create them. She became an entrepreneur and launched an online store to sell Salvadoran themed pins, socks, and apparel. Pull on those pupusas sock, put on those boss pants and get ready to start a small business with Norma Rivas.

SU-010 – Carlos and Erica Vivar

SU-010 – Carlos and Erica Vivar

While most of us struggle to get out of bed, Carlos soars and flips through the air straight onto the podium with gold medals and championships. A 14 year old gymnast that only started three years ago shows us what can be accomplished with talent, courage, and a wonderfully supportive mother. So wear that Salvi flag as a cape, get a running start, and stick the landing with Carlos and his mother Erica.