by Carlos Guadron | Jul 31, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
Imaginense, an interdisciplinary, intergenerational, international bloom period for El Salvador. Prof. Lotti wonders if we may be in a bloom period now as we talk about her research in postwar El Salvador in the early 90s. Can we avoid the desencanto she describes in her first book “Everyday Revolutionaries”? Or are we continuing La Lucha like the 1.5 insurgent generation in her third book “After Stories”?
by Carlos Guadron | Jul 17, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
Big name competition may have more resources, but Cynthia, owner of Xinca Foods, has the passion to bring authentic-tasting Salvadoran frozen foods to supermarkets everywhere. But this path is not without challenges like being a one-person show and critics from her own community.
by Carlos Guadron | Jul 10, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
Lo que sigue es una entrevista que me hicieron en Proyecto Chachalaca, un podcast grabado en El Salvador que explora la identidad Centroamericana a traves de varios invitados y temas.
by Carlos Guadron | Jul 3, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
Ser un artista en El Salvador viene con una gran responsabilidad. Carol Hills nos cuenta como empezó creyendo que Salvadoreños no escuchan música en español y como ahora canta en tres lenguas, gana premios , y trabaja para cambiar la perspectiva de la música nacional.
by Carlos Guadron | Jun 19, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
During the Salvadoran Civil War, being a teacher meant you were risking your life. Professor Stephanie Huezo talks to us about doing research in Latin America, popular education during the war, and how these ideas cross the border and impact organizing efforts in the United States.