by Carlos Guadron | Nov 6, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
Salvi Yorkers bridges the past and present with powerful narratives about the Salvadoran diaspora in New York. Diego Murcia, from Bitextuales, helps author, Carmen Molina-Tamacas, cross one additional bridge by producing the audiobook version of her work. Now our stories can reach even more people and Diego can help tell your story too.
by Carlos Guadron | Oct 9, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
Rosalia Rivera says consent is the greatest virtue of a civilized society. This episode we explore the vital topic of teaching body rights and consent culture to children. Rosalia, founder of Consent Parenting, equips parents and caregivers with the tools they need to raise better informed children, break cycles of abuse, and create a safer future for us all.
by Carlos Guadron | Sep 25, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
It’s easy to fall into the hustle culture trap and to never face our traumas, specially as an immigrant. Gabi and Ale, co-founders of Treat Yourself and Heal (TYSAYH) seek to change all that. TYSAH’s mission is to heal the world with self care, community, and overcoming while partnering with underrepresented solo-preneurs and empowering causes.
by Carlos Guadron | Aug 28, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
It’s surprising that some Salvadorans don’t know that El Salvador has great coffee. Kim from Cafe Zelaia is on a mission to change that. She shares some coffee drinking pro-tips, talks about the ups and downs of owning your own business, and the difficulty of getting immigrant parents to understand the risks we take to follow our dreams.
by Carlos Guadron | Aug 14, 2023 | Salvis Unidos Podcast
Montreal based Salvadoran hip-hop artists Tony Dez and Chellz have been through a lot. Their family’s journey to the Great North inspires them to write deep and personal music that speaks to the soul of the Salvadoran Diaspora. Their work recognizes the trauma and strength of our community and celebrates our heritage with Latin-infused hip-hop.