To get to know the different sides of Sueey, you need a little bit of caution and intuition, but la experiencia will leave you with an authentic sense of the beauty of El Salvador and her people. Powered by her indigenous roots, committed to helping out her community, Sueey explains why it’s important to work for the next generation. Dust off that easel, sharpen those colored pencils, and leave your mark with Sueey Gutierrez.

Sueey Gutierrez is a Salvadoran artist born and raised in Brooklyn. Her art has been exhibited in numerous galleries, government offices, hospitals, trains and schools. Her work features strong femenine imagery and addresses the gap in society’s idea of beauty: that ALL women are beautiful and powerful. Youth, skin tone, size, and shape are not the only determinants of beauty. It is a constant throughout all our lives and even afterward, in death.

  • Sueey name meaning
  • Learning from our grandparents
  • Mister Donut
  • Merch Studio
  • Salvi Isolation
  • Art and collaborating with Paztios
  • Innate need to watch your back
  • Intuition, experience, caution, different sides of me
  • Struggle doesn’t look cute for anybody
  • Work to inspire the next generation

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Salvi Nacion by Crooked Stilo

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