SU-02E06 – Herencia Cookbook

SU-02E06 – Herencia Cookbook

The matriarchs in our lives pass on more than recipes. They inspire us, teach us strength, grit and ensure our heritage survives through generations. Herencia Cookbook is a Salvi-Mex cookbook written by Benadettte Molina to honor the matriarchs in her family and to pass down our food heritage to future generations.

SU-S02E05 – Somos Arte Documentary

SU-S02E05 – Somos Arte Documentary

Somos Arte: The Creative Movement of El Salvador is a documentary series highlighting contemporary artists in post-war El Salvador. Erick Sanchez and Jonathan Barrera, both Salvadorans, are the creators behind the project. In this episode they talk about all the love, passion, and work that went into creating this love letter to El Salvador.

SU-S02E04 – Mario Arévalo, Tenor

SU-S02E04 – Mario Arévalo, Tenor

La ópera es para todos y Mario sueña con hacerla accesible a todo el mundo. En este episodio Mario nos cuenta de su trayectoria como tenor, su trabajo humanitario, y su orgullo como representante de El Salvador. También nos cuenta de el esfuerzo para la reconstrucción del Teatro Jiboa en San Vicente, un gran logro para la cultura y arte en nuestro pulgarcito.

SU-S02-E03 –  Belu Cacao

SU-S02-E03 – Belu Cacao

Bienvenidos al tercer episodio de la segunda temporada! Este episodio está completamente en español! Hoy hablamos con Emily Urias de Belu Cacao. No es solo una empresa de chocolate artesanal, si no que todo un esfuerzo para poner El Salvador en grande a nivel mundial. Escucha y ayuda a Emily convertir a El Salvador al país del chocolate!

SU-S02E02 – Karen Vasquez O’Donnell

SU-S02E02 – Karen Vasquez O’Donnell

Today we’re talking to the author of Pepe and Pako – Cross Country Adventure, a book to inspire curiosity in children of all ages. From a disheveled child with coal on her face to the elegant Salvadoran mom she is today, Karen speaks about the importance of imagination and following your dreams.

SU-S02E01 – A.F.J.A.

SU-S02E01 – A.F.J.A.

Welcome to the first episode of season 2. In this episode we talk about the potential a simple game can have in connecting people and lifting up communities. AFJA is a non-profit created by Steven Levy to harness the power of play in El Salvador and Central America. Join him and board member Diana Ruano as we talk about giving back to the homeland.

SU-020 – Cipotes

SU-020 – Cipotes

The feeling of not belonging here nor there, a lack of positive representation of Salvadorans is what drove Niko to start Cipotes. A New York City based online community dedicated to uniting Salvadorans and showcasing our accomplishments around the world for over 7 years. In this episode, turn up that pride to eleven, embrace our accomplishments, and show off our positivity with Niko from Cipotes.

SU-019 – Hazel Hernandez

SU-019 – Hazel Hernandez

Finding yourself as a teenager is a strenuous process. It’s even harder when you have to hide the most important aspects of who you are. As a queer undocumented Salvadoran, Hazel hid the best parts of herself until theater allowed her to open up. Get artsy, don a black turtleneck, a beret, and get up on stage or behind it with Hazel Hernandez.

SU-018 – SalviSoul

SU-018 – SalviSoul

Karla feels most at home surrounded by family at the dinner table sharing Salvadoran food and stories. Her project SalviSoul aims to document both the recipes and the legacy of Salvadoran women. So grab a plate, share some stories, and nourish your belly and your soul with Karla Vasquez of SalviSoul!