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Mental health matters, but for many in our community, it’s still a tough conversation. Maria Alfaro, founder of One Paso, is changing that. Inspired by her own journey as a first-gen Salvadoran-American, she created a non-profit dedicated to destigmatizing mental health through culture, education, and healing spaces.

Help us keep making content! By supporting us on Patreon you help keep the show going and you help us support Salvadoran musicians and artists –


Help us keep making content! By supporting us on Patreon you help keep the show going and you help us support Salvadoran musicians and artists.

¡Ayúdanos a seguir creando contenido! Al apoyarnos en Patreon, nos ayudas a mantener el programa y a apoyar a músicos y artistas salvadoreños.


00:00:00 Cold Open
00:00:20 Intro
00:01:16 Interview Start
00:01:58 What is OnePaso?
00:03:14 Making Sense of a unstable life
00:05:59 Liberated to help others
00:08:34 Paso a Paso to One Paso
00:11:17 Starting community events
00:13:29 Formalizing OnePaso
00:15:06 Envisioning a new safe space
00:16:17 Westchester Country declares OnePaso Day
00:16:53 Culturally Relevant Mental Health Education
00:23:41 Lowering cultural barriers to mental health
00:25:50 Social Determinants of Mental Health
00:28:09 Clarifying mental health language for our communities
00:30:26 Overcoming the older generation’s stigma
00:35:56 Bringing mental health to Yonkers Public Schools
00:39:55 Insights from OnePaso’s Growth
00:43:11 Staying mentally healthy as a leader
00:45:50 How to engage with OnePaso

Links y Enlaces:


“Anormal” – Héctor Rico

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